Teamwork Makes the Dream Work in Battlefield 4

Battlefield 4 is arguably one of the best multiplayer FPS games to ever release, and if you enjoy shooter games, you’ve no doubt heard of it. The gunfights are intense and fast-paced, which is awesome, but what really makes this game stand out is the vehicular combat. No game series does tank driving and jet flying better than Battlefield, and that’s what we’re here to talk about.

Imagine loading into a multiplayer game, securing an M1 Abrams tank, and dominating the battlefield right to the very end of the battle. Sound exciting? Well, that’s exactly what we do in the Kings Of Battle platoon, and it’s all thanks to our teamwork and coordination.

We’re just regular guys with full-time jobs who play together on evenings and weekends, and we’re here to prove that you don’t need to be a professional streamer to kick some ass, you just need a squad you can rely on.

Check out the gameplay video below to see what I mean:

Now, let’s talk about how vehicles and teamwork help our platoon to dominate on the battlefield.

Vehicles and high KDs

In Battlefield 4, knowing your way around the various vehicles in the game is a sure-fire way to get yourself a high kill-death ratio, or KD. Tanks and jets are especially powerful, and with the right upgrades, you’ll be an unstoppable force on the battlefield. Take tanks for example: with the Gunner Thermal upgrade that Cristian-68W uses in the video above, he can see enemies coming from a mile away and stop them before they get too close.

Upgrades will help you survive longer in your vehicle and therefore rack up those kills, so be sure to work towards them whenever you can.

Tank duos

Tanks can hold up to 2 players in Battlefield 4, so you’re going to want to take advantage of that fact to get the most out of your armored vehicle. The person in the primary position does the bulk of the work, driving the tank and taking control of the main cannon, but having a second person manning the heavy machine gun and giving callouts from the secondary position is so helpful.

About half a minute into the video above you can see how Cristian-68W and omitl13 work together in the tank to take down enemies in their path with help from ionic-coomb9 on the ground. Properly coordinated attacks can really be a game-changer in Battlefield 4, and that’s what we’re all about in Kings Of Battle.

Wrapping up

When it comes to Battlefield 4, getting a group of friends together to play is about as good as it gets. Sure, playing solo can be fun, but the best memories come from playing with people you know, getting high killstreaks, and just having a blast on voice comms. Teamwork really does make the dream work.

Thanks for reading, and best of luck out there on the battlefield!



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